Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't Forget to Bring Your Super Suit!

Well, May was very busy!  Here is a run down of everything I did in May!  More on recent events coming soon!

Open Water Swimming:  We started practicing open water swimming at Geist Reservoir once a week.  Gross and double gross.  If you have ever tried to swim competitively (or even athletically) in open water, you know what I mean.  You can't see two inches in front of you and you have to deal with all of the muck on the bottom of the lake.  For me, this means I need to mentally prepare for the stuff I find gross and the things that make me most fear open water swimming...snakes!  So, I decided it was time to break out my secret weapons and super powers: water socks, a wetsuit, and my Wonder Woman Swimsuit!

Yes, that would be me in the Wonder Woman Swimsuit.  And, if anyone asks, it actually DOES help me swim in open water!

Indianapolis Mini Marathon: Let's set the stage.  The Mini Marathon was hot, high 80's and 90% humidity.  I didn't train for the Mini, I had been training for a big triathlon, and April was not a good training month for me.  Couple all of this with feeling a bit emotional after losing my uncle and my mom's running coach, Tom Hathaway, the week was bound to be an emotional race.  So, I walked up to the start line with pretty low expectations because (i) I was not acclimated to the heat, and (ii) I had only run up to 7 miles in preparation.  Luckily, my awesome Mom decided to run with me despite being injured.  Against all odds, the first 5 or 6 miles went pretty well.  At mile five I burst into tears when I heard a band playing "Only the Good Die Young," but I kept going.  The track is a bit of a blur to me, but this seems to be the place where my race broke down.  It was really hot, and things were starting to hurt.  Somehow we muddled through those last 7 miles (cue bursting into tears at mile 10.5 without explanation), but I swear I only made it because my mom drug me through the finish line.

Geist Half Marathon: At some point a couple months ago, I signed up for the Geist Half Marathon because I wanted to the special t-shirt for running two 1/2 marathons during the month of May (and yes, it has occurred to me that a t-shirt that I have to pay to own is not necessarily a rational reward for such behavior...but, I thrive on sense of accomplishment).  After the Mini I was seriously questioning my sanity for signing up for Geist when I wasn't training for a 1/2 marathon not to mention questioning whether I could complete Mini's very hilly cousin after hating every minute of the Mini.  But, I had a few friends who were doing Geist so I gave it the old college try.  It was hilly, and it was hot...and yet somehow I PR'd by 8 minutes!  I ran really well (and really fast for me) right up until miles 8 and 9 when the course turns into one huge hill.  The funny thing is I didn't realize how fast I was racing until I reached mile 10.5.  You see, I  had been running with a woman I met in the race who saw my TNT purple and we sort of started running together.  Both of us were struggling with injuries, so when she needed to walk, I was happy to take a break with her.  I only mention this, because it goes to illustrate how profound my PR was.  Had I had any inclination that I was capable of a faster time, I am sure I would have pushed harder during those 3.5 miles.  I think at mile 10.5 I said something like, "you know, if I hurry, I can PR??" and I took off for the finish line.   I was so proud at the finish line despite the salt stuck to my face (this was my first experience with the dried salt by the way...made me feel like a real athlete)!  The most important thing I learned from Geist was to have confidence in my training.  I am finally starting to feel good about the time and hard work I have put in.

TNT Fashionistas Before the Geist
TNT Fashionista's After Geist

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