Monday, April 2, 2012

Take A Moment to say a Little Prayer For Those Suffering From Blood Cancer...

Training to fight blood cancer has never meant more to me.  My Honored Hero is having a really tough week in his fight against blood cancer, and my heart goes out to him and his family as I pray that he recovers.  Days like today make me realize that training really isn't that hard when you put it  in perspective.  Today, please take a moment to say an extra prayer for those who suffer from  blood cancer...

March was a long month to say the least.  From a training standpoint we were in a build period which meant that I was having to devote more time to training...longer swims, runs and six days a week...brick workouts...outdoor training.  Suddenly this race I signed up for is starting to seem real.  Couple that with a last minute trip to Little Rock for work and closing a deal I have been working on for over a year, and I was officially pooped and very ready for Recovery Week!

When your training, Recovery Week is like this beacon of light on the other side of a steep hill.  You don't mind that you still have to train during Recovery Week because your training distances are very tolerable.  The only bad thing about Recovery Week is that it is bookended by build weeks.  Alas, the first week of April is a build week. But, I am ready for it!  Bring. It. On. 

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