Saturday, August 18, 2012

70.3 Miles 4 Alan Tomorrow

Well, it's official...I am incapable of packing light for a triathlon!

But on the bright side, the packing I have been doing for the last week has been therapeutic as I mentally prepare for what may be the longest race I ever attempt.  I'm nervous...really nervous, but I am comforted by all of the positive thoughts, prayers and energy being sent my way.  

We have arrived in Benton Harbor, been to Ironman Village, purchased nearly every item of clothing (and a car emblem) available with the Ironman 70.3 logo, driven the bike and run courses, and did a short swim in Lake Michigan.  I've read countless cards from my friends and family, received countless emails, texts and Facebook posts.  Thank you all for your encouraging words and patience over the last 8 months!

I have met some of the most amazing people along the way and made some great friends.  Coach Andy, Coach Dave and Coach Sara thank you for your patience and perseverance over the last 8 months!  Karin, Samantha, Katie, Nancy, Courtney, Tanya, Alma, Julie, Mark, Jesse, Amy (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone) you all have been great inspirations, friends and team mates along the way!  

To everyone who donated and supported me, there are too many to list, but your generosity, support and confidence have been humbling.  Thank you for all you have done. 

Thank you to my family for traveling so far to be with me tomorrow, your support and confidence is appreciated and I couldn't have done this without all of your patience and help!

Finally, tomorrow I will be racing 70.3 miles "4 Alan"...I've written on my bibs and on my leg so that others around me will see that I am racing with a purpose and I hope it reminds others of people in their lives that they are racing for.  

When I started this process, I was optimistic that Alan would be well enough to come to the race and see me cross the finish line in his honor.  Instead, Alan will be one of my many Guardian Angels watching over me tomorrow, and while I would trade anything for him to have been here to see me cross the finish line, I am grateful to know he will be watching over me and my family tomorrow.  

I know that tomorrow will be an early day, a tough day, a GU filled day, a memorable day, but at the end of the day it will be a day I get through 70.3 miles...and when I get a big drink of water from a wave, bike up a steep hill or hit a wall on the run course I will try to focus on the fact that I am privileged to be healthy enough and strong enough to race and I will pray for those that are not.  After all, getting through 70.3 miles is not all about athletic talent (well, in my case it is likely not at all about athletic talent) it's about strength, determination, perseverance and hopefully, a little bit of grace...and I am grateful that my body and mind are healthy enough to experience this rare opportunity.

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