Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Week In Review...Getting Back Into Training Mode

On Monday I swam 1100 meters, which in perspective is not that far, after all a mile is 1600 meters, and I have to swim 1.2 miles at Steelhead.  Our team has three work out options for our training schedule for each sport: Developing, Fitness or Competitive.  My goal is to always choose either the Fitness or Competitive work out.  So on Monday, I went with the Fitness workout despite the fact that the Competitive work out was only a 100 meters further...what can I say, the Bachelor started at 8 and it was the Hometown Date episode.  And, swimming is hard for me...I may not have swum that far, but I was still tired after 1100 meters.  That said, I am actually starting to enjoy swimming...and, the new swim suits I just purchased make swimming a little more fun!

On Tuesday I ran...and I had grand plans to run 3 or 4 miles, but the running gods had a different plan for me.  So, I only ran 2 miles.  I was a bit defeated...but, I figured I had several months to train...and if running didn't work out for me in August, I guess I can always walk.

On Wednesday I swam again...but, this time I swam 1300 meters because I chose the competitive workout!  I felt like I should have earned a medal.  This workout was particularly tough because instead of doing 200-300 meters of drills (which can be a bit of a break) we did a set of 2 x 250 meters.  This was followed by a 2 x 50 kick (with a kick board) and then another 2 x 250 meters with a negative split....again, I thought I deserved a medal.  And...swimming makes me ravenous...cue the large bowl of Special K when I got home!

Thursday was my first fundraiser.  Several of my friends and I attended a wine tasting at Kahn's to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Team In Training.  It was a lot of fun, and a load of people  attended!  We raised nearly $1500 dollars in two hours!  The fundraiser was a great excuse to skip a workout.

Given the mild winter we have had thus far, to say it took an act of God to get me to Group Training yesterday (Saturday) at 8 a.m. in 27 degree weather (with wind) for a hilly (and very slick) 5.5 mile run at Fort Ben, is an understatement.  Factor in that I have not run that far since some time late last summer, and you might consider the fact that I actually got out of my warm car with heated seats a minor miracle.

The first two miles or so were pretty tough for me (it always takes me more than a mile to settle in and get comfortable...I think this is why I have a love/hate relationship with running).  The weather was lousy, and I was not so happy to be there.  But, thankfully one of our Team coaches, Coach Dave, picked me up about a mile and a half in and ran the rest of the way with me.  The next two miles went pretty smoothly despite the rolling fact, I was feeling pretty good.  Dave and I were discussing our love for Taco Bell and how unfortunate it was that Taco Bell is not considered health food (a fact that seems to be the common denominator amongst our Team).  And then, with a little over a mile to go, my legs started to give out.  I've been battling IT Band problems in my hip for months now...couple that with a longish run in the cold (with extra slippery pavement) after a few months of what I would term "very light running" (i.e. I have put very few miles in)...and that equals a pretty tough last mile.  But...I finished!  And...despite the fact that I am a bit sore today, I am feeling a lot stronger mentally about getting back to a regular training schedule that includes some longer runs.

Today I will finish up a week of 5 days of training with a 40 minute bike ride...which with any luck I will get to do outside if the temperature ever pops up like it is supposed to.   (Oops...were we supposed to do 6 workouts this week???  What can I say, it is February...the race is in August...I will get there.)

The trainer in my living room = Necessary Evil!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Welcome to My Blog!

Hi, I'm Andrea. Welcome to my blog!

Above is a photo of my mother and me after the Go Girl Triathlon in 2011. My mom inspired me to do triathlons. My uncle, Alan, suffers from chronic Leukemia. Alan inspired me to join The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training (TNT) .

As a member of TNT, I have a mission-to help find cures and more effective treatments for blood cancers. To accomplish that mission, I’m participating in the Steelhead Half Ironman (that's right 70.3 Miles!) as a member of TNT. Like the other members of TNT, I will be raising funds to help find cures and better treatments for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma. I’m improving the quality of my life by participating and with your support, I can help improve the quality of life for patients and their families as well.

Please make a donation in support of my efforts with Team In Training and help advance the research for cures! Just click the "Donate Now" button on the right and help me reach my goal.

Keep checking back to hear more about my journey as I continue my training and help raise money for this cause that is very near and dear to my heart.

- Andrea